Halton Borough Council have been successful in securing Long Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) Funding for Runcorn Old Town. This funding will build upon investment through the Levelling Up Fund secured in 2021 and see £20m invested in the town, spread over the next 10 years.
LTPT funding for Runcorn Old Town will enable the delivery of projects that address key issues facing local residents and businesses. Projects can be physical improvements or can support smaller scale community initiatives and activities.
The council wants to ensure local people can shape the plan. They are inviting people to share challenges, opportunities, and ideas for the changes. They want to understand what people think the vision should be for the town in 10 years.
Consultancy firm Arcadis and PLACED, a local social enterprise, are supporting the council in this process. There will be several meetings and workshops with local groups, drop-in events where the public can share their views, and this interactive website. These conversations that take place will help the council to prioritise proposals that could have the greatest impact on the town, and to decide where funding should be invested. This funding over a 10-year period will provide long term certainty to deliver a range of projects and interventions within three broad investment themes:
1. Safety and Security
2. High Streets, Heritage and Regeneration
3. Transport and Connectivity
The comments and ideas shared on this interactive website will contribute to the Runcorn Old Town Long Term Plan. By taking part in this engagement, you are helping to shape the vision for Runcorn Old Town before any key decisions have been made. In coming weeks, there will also be an opportunity to have your say at drop-in engagement events.
Click on the tabs above to access our various engagement tools and have your say.
This online consultation is open for contributions until Friday 18th October.
You can also have your say at one of our drop-in events:
- Friday 27th September, 12.00pm - 4.30pm, Runcorn Library, Granville Street, Runcorn, WA7 1NE
- Saturday 5th October, 10.00am - 2.30pm, Runcorn Library, Granville Street, Runcorn, WA7 1NE
- Friday 18th October, 10.30am - 1.00pm, Runcorn Library, Granville Street, Runcorn, WA7 1NE
For information on other projects and changes taking place in the town, please visit Reconnecting Runcorn
What three words would you want to use to describe Runcorn Old Town in 2034?
Tell us what you think the vision should be for Runcorn Old Town
18 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Restrictions placed on the amount of similar businesses. A variety of shops.
Fines for unkept properties making the town look scruffy
18 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Welcome to Regent Street metal arch ways at the top and bottom and on the pedestrian entry from the coop car park
18 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
tidy up estate around Caithness court, sutherland court and spring court and the other streets,
18 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Vibrant, historic, attractive. Making the most of Runcorns historic features and waterways and making sure its well presented
18 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
18 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Vibrant, Active, Growth!
Using the Ship Canal/Bridgewater Canal Waterways as leisure attractions for town growth.
17 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Vibrant, community, welcoming Town centre needs a long term vision, it needs to become a go-to place for all to build up our local economy.
17 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
“Vibrant, bustling, scenic.”
Loads could be done. Would love lots of nice cafes and clothes/gift shops!
17 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Lovely, Friendly, Bustling Place to do a bit of shopping then meet friends for lunch/ brunch and a nice walk along the canal/ waterfront
17 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Cultural, diverse, vibrant
15 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Vibrant, exciting, diverse. The town needs a long term vision. Geographically we are in a great position and we need to take advantage of it
15 October, 2024
Anonymous says:
Runcorn Old Town LTPT Survey
Halton Borough Council have been successful in securing Long Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) Funding for Runcorn Old Town. This funding will build upon investment through the Levelling Up Fund secured in 2021 and see £20m invested in the town, spread over the next 10 years.
LTPT funding for Runcorn Old Town will enable the delivery of projects that address key issues facing local residents and businesses. Projects can be physical improvements or can support smaller scale community initiatives and activities. The council want to ensure local people can shape the plan. They are inviting people to share challenges, opportunities, and ideas for the changes.
Have your say by completing the survey below.
It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Project Map
Project Map
We are interested in where there are opportunities, ideas, and challenges in Runcorn Old Town. We encourage you to add photographs that illustrate your comments and show challenges, opportunities, or ideas.
Look at the map below. Click the 'Add Marker' button and place the pin in the location where you would like to put your comment.
We have provided some themes and questions below to support your response. If your comments or ideas do not fit the themes below, you are still welcome to add them, selecting the 'other' category on the comments form.
Things that I like
- Where are the places or spaces in the Old Town that are most special to you?
- What is important not to lose in this area? What are the assets?
- Where do you like to spend time with your friends and family?
- Where do you enjoy taking part in activities
What could be improved?
- Where are the places or spaces which you feel need improving?
- Are there any areas that face particular challenges?
- Are there places which you choose to not spend any time?
- What changes could help to overcome these challenges?
Ideas and Suggestions
- Where could investment be focused to best help the area flourish and thrive?
- Where would you like to see any new or improved services being delivered?
- Can you think of any parts of the Old Town that could be made more accessible and easier to navigate?
- What ideas do you have for any empty or under used buildings?
Ideas Wall
Ideas Wall
We are interested in hearing your ideas about Runcorn Old Town today and your vision for the town in the future. We have suggested five themes to start the conversation and have added some posts to get things started. You can respond to one of our posts, post a new comment or comment on someone else's. We also encourage you to add your own photographs to help illustrate your comments.
Scroll down to the Ideas Wall and click on 'Post your story'. Complete the comments form, responding to the themes and questions listed below.
If your comments do not fall into these themes, you are still welcome to add them, selecting the 'other' category on the comments form.
Runcorn Old Town Today
- What is unique about Runcorn Old Town?
- What do we want to protect for the future? What should be supported and nurtured?
- How has any recent investment benefited the town? Have you started to see any improvements in the town during the last 3 years?
- What community organisations and services could be enhanced or grown?
- Are there any specific spaces or buildings which could be transformed to benefit local people?
- Are you
aware of ongoing plans to redevelop Runcorn? Are there any existing or upcoming
development projects in Runcorn Old Town you think could benefit from further
- Are there particular buildings or public spaces in Runcorn Old Town that need investment?
- Do any groups face greater challenges and need more support?
- Are there any challenges that you face on a regular basis living, working or spending time in the Old Town?
- Are there things that have worsened in recent years that you would like to see addressed?
- Could there be positive economic impacts for the high street and local businesses in Runcorn Old Town?
- Is safety an issue, and if so, what projects could help to address this?
- What initiatives and investment are needed to develop skills and support employment?
- In what other ways would investing in the town have a positive impact on people’s lives?
About Us
PLACED are delighted to be working with Halton Borough Council and Arcadis to deliver public engagement activities for the Runcorn Old Town Long Term Plan.
PLACED is an independent social enterprise that deliver place education and engagement programmes across the Northwest. Since 2011, they have been working to bring collaboration and diversity to discussion around the built environment, creating opportunities for quality conversations and genuine engagement to create #BetterPlacesTogether.
Find out more about our work at placed.org.uk

This website is run by PLACED as part of the Runcorn Old Town Long Term Plan.
To find out more about us, head over to placed.org.uk
© PLACED for Runcorn Old Town Long Term Plan